Some Things You Should Know before heading to Fuji Rock!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Apologies for the lack of posts over the last few weeks, I am currently travelling through Japan and have been too busy seeing the sites and enjoying myself to head to an internet cafe!

The initial reason for the trip was to check out Fuji Rock, a 3 day music festival in Naeba, north of Tokyo.

While the festival was fabulous, and considerably better than those at home, there are a couple of things I wish I had known beforehand.

1. Bring Ear Plugs
The campsite is directly behind the stage and the music will pump till 4 or 5am!

2. Campsite Selection is Key
While flat ground is more comfortable and certainly a good place to be if it rains (and trust me, it WILL rain), it also gets really really hot once the sun rises. If you have to comprise some level ground for shade, do it!

3. Don't Laugh at People in Gumboots
Like I said, it will rain, gumboots are a very good option.
The festival is also spread over a large area so comfortable working shoes are a must.

4. Don't Forget the Insect Repellent
At Fuji Rock you will see countless bugs you have never before encountered....Do as the locals do and cover yourself in repellent.

5. BYO Alcohol!
Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but at Fuji Rock you can bring your own booze to the festival and the campsite. No cans or glass can be taken into the festival site but they are happy for you to pour your spirits into a plastic bottle before heading in.
If you can, take an esky - again, no problems!

6. Embrace Your Nudity
The festival is visited by 160,000 people on average each year. Only 5 western showers are available (in addition to a couple of Japanese style bath houses) for each sex. The showers basically involve nuding up in front of others and stepping into an open cubicle which has a divider separating it from the others, while your backside shines to those in line.

7. Vegetarians love your Mushrooms!
Not the hallucinogenic kind.... Fuji doesn't have a lot of meat free people options and I found I was heading stir-fried mushies on rice a couple of times a day... It was tasty, but not after 3 days!

8. If you see a line join it.
The Japanese love lines...if you see one it is probably going somewhere you should be.

9. Bring your own chair.
Again, a change from Festivals at home, if you can bring your own camping chair and mark out a possie early. No seating is available and it is quite possible to go 4 days without seating in a real chair!

10. Sleep whenever and where ever you can!
The locals have the ability to sleep anywhere and everywhere - it makes the waiting in line go faster!